Change Log Cat colors in Android Studio

Make log cat look cooler

Change Log Cat colors in Android Studio

You can make your Logcat look way more cooler and easier to read by changing the colors .

Steps to change Android Studio Logcat:

Go to

File → Settings → Editor → ColorScheme → Android Logcat


Select the Log whose color you want to change

Suppose if you want to change Info to green color

Select Info , uncheck Use inherited attributes

Select on foreground and change it to green

Note : When you are picking color pull the right side slider to top to see colors

Similarly select remaining types of logs and change its colors

The Colors which I use

Assert :        #FF6B68    (Default)
Debug :       #91570A
Error:           #BB0000
Info:             #0D9724
Verbose:      #BBBBBB    (Default)
Warning :     #E8B74D      

My Logcat

My logcat

Just play with all the colors for Foreground,Background , Error stripe mark and Effects ( try all the type of effects in the dropdown) . Use the colors which best suites for your theme.

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